Choral Festival Exchange Programme
April 15th, 2018 Posted by Michael O'Sullivan News 0 thoughts on “Choral Festival Exchange Programme”Sunday the 15th April and the choir headed off to St. Joseph’s SMA Church Blackrock to sing at the 12 noon Mass as part of the Cork Choral Festival Exchange programme.
It was the first time in a long time that the choir had participated in the exchange programme so it was a fairly new challenge to adapt to strange surroundings,
But everyone of the group rose to the occasion and it was so gratifying to hear a member of the congregation remark after Mass ‘that it was a beautiful big sound that really enhanced our Liturgy’
It was a homecoming of sorts for Richard our Musical Director who held a similar position with St. Joseph’s choir for a number of years. He set out a challenging programme for his return:
Ent- Thine be the Glory…..Handel
off – The Calll….Vaughan Williams ( SATB… Richard Rudkins)
Mass Parts – Christ the King Mass…. Patrick Killeen
Lamb of God – Dona Nobis…Mary Lynn Lightfoot
Com – Ave Verum..Mozart
A Clare Benediction…John Rutter
Rec – Guide me, O Thou great Redeemer… John Hughes.
Our sincere thanks to Fr. Alphonse Sekongo and the congregation at St. Joseph’s for their very warm welcome and generous applause at the end of Mass.