Monthly Archives: June, 2018

🎶 What’s another year 🎶

June 2nd, 2018 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “🎶 What’s another year 🎶”


On Wednesday the 30th May the choir held its AGM in the CP Centre – and even though the choir will continue to sing ‘unofficially ‘  at the Sunday 10.30am  Mass for the summer months – our year has formally drawn to a close. Looking back over the year it’s safe to say it’s been a very satisfying and rewarding one.

For over forty years Dennehy’s Cross Church Choir has been singing the praises of the Lord at the Church of the Holy Spirit. During that time the choir has endeavored to enrich the celebration of the Mass  with hymns and responses that connect with the Liturgical theme of the day, while also inviting the congregation, with the use of the above Laudate Hymnal, to join in the singing of the hymns and responses throughout the Mass.

Over the years the choir has amassed a vast repertoire of 4 part hymns that have proved invaluable in implementing it’s Liturgical ideals. However, new material is always required to keep a Choir challenged and motivated, and the past year has seen the following engaging and inspiring pieces introduced to the choir by Richard Rudkins our Musical Director:

The Lord Bless you and keep You..Rutter

God Be in my head…Rutter

All Bells in Paradise..Rutter ( Christmas Carol)

How deep the silence..Tallis

O Salutaris Hostia.. Juan Cristomo de Arriga.. arrangement…R.Rudkins

Steal Away..arrangement..Rudkins

Come down O Love Divine..Bianca da Siena..adaption..Rudkins

The Crown of Roses..P.I. Tchaikovsky

Shine Jesus shine…G. Kendrick..arrangement..Rudkins

The Call..Ralf Vaughan Williams… arrangement..Rudkins

I heard the Voice of Jesus say…R.V. Williams…adaption..Rudkins.

Certainly it was music to keep the members engaged and enthused throughout the year but it has to be tempered with a social dimension as well..” all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”.. thus we had a number of coffee mornings and a planned trip to Malaga in September to balance out all the crotchets and quavers floating around our heads.





Next year will bring  new challenges: more exciting music to add to our very full library,  continued participation in the Cork Choral Festival Exchange Programme, entertaining shoppers with  Christmas Carols at the Wilton Shopping Centre, and all the time maintaining  a social element  to all of this activity.

Our recent AGM has entrusted the following Management Committee to oversee the smooth running of our choir:

Musical Director…Richard Rudkins

Chairperson.…Michael O’Sullivan

Vice Chairperson…Peter Ryan

Secretary…Mary C O’ Keeffe

Treasurer…Eileen Twohig

Librarian…Margaret Maher

Committee Members…Denis O Mullane,.. Ruth McDonald.